Nancy reagan gay pride meme

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We get to hear Stephen Colbert talk about love, which mostly serves as a reminder that he has not regained his Comedy Central days glory and really only served this year to help normalize Donald Trump. The video shows demonstrations of togetherness following the Pulse shooting and attacks in Belgium and France. Google then tries to make you feel like everything is actually all right by showing a black man holding up a peace sign wearing a 'Free Hugs' shirt standing in front of a barricade of heavily armed police. That included Brexit, the American election showing the country's division, continued police shootings of black men and women, the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting and ongoing violence in Syria. It starts by showing some things that are bad. The video set out to tell you things are actually OK, which is a ridiculous lie anyone who lived through 2016 - and a lot of the people who didn't live through 2016 - can easily debunk.

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Google put out a 'Year In Search' video to give us a nice recap of just how many things went terribly, catastrophically wrong in 2016.

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